In many places the crematorium are under the jurisdiction of the local temple committee: very often no or very little fund is allocated for the maintenance or upgrading of the facilities
In smaller town the crematorium are in very deplorable state, myNadi felt that the final journey of the dead should be respectable.
We played a major role in upgrading crematorium in:
1, Serandah
2. Kuala Kubu Baru
3. Sungai Burung, Sekinchan
4. Taiping
5. Jeram and finally
6. Kapar
While you are alive be sincere, Honest and do good, History will tell after your death, DEATH.. Beauty of your next life is determine by Now.
Project Crematorium at Bukit Cererak Jeram

Before (Kapar) After (kapar)
MyNadi upgraded and refurbish Kapar Crematorium. Many NGO or individual refuse to do clean or upgrade a Crematorium. You may go to 100 temples or Yatra. But there is ONLY one Final destination a place with your final ritual. If you don't have a clean "home", there is NO purpose of your birth, samsara. The ultimate goal for many Hindus is to be free from rebirth, Beside your karma; You next birth is also determine by how your dead and your ritual took place so the grand departure and it's sacred rites of passage. Death purifier, in that deathless, imperishable world. Make you immortal in that realm where movement is accordant to wish. All your possessions, power, ego and learning will end here.. your