30th January 2011
MyNadi recognized the GOPIO International Awards 2010, the event took place in Sime-darby Center, Kuala Lumpur. The awards is was given to success PIO entrepreneurs and PIO enterprises. The award is to recognize the business successes, ethical entrepreneurs leaders and encourage new entrants to the competitive world of enterprises. GOPIO does not only promote India PIO-Diaspora relations. In Malaysia itself, it clamors for the formation of a large PIO entrepreneur community, thereby contributing to the country's growth. GOPIO believes that there should be a large pool of PIO entrepreneurs, who will collectively raise the stake in the country's economy.
With a large number of Indian entrepreneurs, the PIO community will be able to engage with the government. These entrepreneurs will also reach out to the needy in the community and mould it into an entrepreneurial group, thereby reducing the economic gap between the rich and the poor. During the event My Nadi's chairman DDJ, gave away some of the awards.