In an attempt to stimulate an interest in science amongst the school children of Tamil primary schools, a group of individuals mooted the idea of making science fun so that the students would learn the basic principles of science as they carried put various scientific tasks.There are about 523 Tamils primary schools in Malaysia and they vary in enrollment from 5 students to more than 2000 students per school.
This group of individuals mooted the idea of getting the schools to participate on a level playing field by making them choose one out of ten projects that would be proposed for that year.
Schools are to come up with innovative solutions for these projects and would compete at a district/ regional level leading to a state/ zone level and finally at a national level.
On the third year of the competition,myNADI got involved and to stimulate more schools to
participate,myNADI made a surprise announcement that the winner would be sent to the
prestigious Indian Space and Research Organization (ISRO) in Bangalore.

SJK(T) Jalan Yahya Awal.

Discussion to convert a class room into Science Lab, Alma Tamil School Penang

SJKT Sungai Ara, Won in Science fair and they entitle for new Science lab with Complete set of Apparatus.