Orang Asli of Pos Slim or known as Perkampoungan Orang Asli Ulu Slim with number about 3500 families spread across 6 settlements: Includes:
Kg. Pos Bersih,
Kg. Tibang,
Kg. Bangkung,
Kg. Gesau,
Kg. Keding,
Kg. Tenau
All this villages in that area and were facing many challenges ranging from infrastructure, education, medical and lacked economic empowerment.
Many of the Orang Asli were employed as casual workers in the farms owned by the Chinese farmers of Kalumpang and having seen that myNADI was able to find solutions for their problems, these farmers approached Yayasan myNADI seeking guidance and assistance.

The farmers arranged for a meeting between myNADI and the Tok Batins of Pos Slim and several surrounding villages that stretched up to 26 kilometers into the depths of the rainforest jungles of the Main range. They faced a host of issues including:
Getting access to clean and safe drinking water from the mountain streams;
Roads had been washed away by the rains and travel was unsafe, making it difficult for children to go to school and obtaining medical assistance The school needed various forms of aid: revision books and football uniforms while the canteen needed ceiling fans.
The community needed tents and chairs for large events such as celebrations and funerals and also cooking utensils for communal cooking.
Yayasan myNADI began a slow engagement with the Tok Batins. It was initially challenging as they were very suspicious of our intentions.
"For 54 years we have waited for water pipe, after meet and request from myNadi, within a week they delivered"
Tok Batin Yok Pes
Kampung Bangkong, Ulu Slim
<---- ( Video interview)
They gave us their list of needs and we promised to deliver what we could,some were within our means while others needed the approval of the relevant authorities.
One of their immediate concerns was safe drinking water from the mountain streams. They felt that as palm oil plantations had encroached onto the source of water, the fertilizers and insecticides would contaminate their water and hence wanted to extend their pipes higher up stream to tap clean and safe water.
This involved getting the approval of the relevant authorities and it was a challenge but we did it. We faced some opposition but we took it in our stride and finally got it done!
Their next concern was the poor road conditions,which we agreed with having driven
on those roads and even our 4x4 was having difficulty getting up the mountainous roads.
The needs of the schools were basic but as the parents had no means to help fund the parent teachers’ association (PIBG), myNADI stepped in and funded many of their needs. We felt these children should also have access to revision workbooks as a sound foundation in education will help them move ahead in life.
To give the children motivation and pride to go out and take part in football competitions, we donated several sets of football jerseys and footballs.These are all things which we tend to take for granted and are viewed as luxuries for many of the Orang Asli. At each of these events,we also engaged with the community.
They needed tents, chairs and cooking utensils and had no means to get them. Each time the need arose, they faced a challenge to obtain them, so eventually myNADI donated:
Poly pipes - 13 rolls
Canopy – 6
Tables – 12
Chairs - 90 and
A full set of cooking utensils to each of the 6 villages in and around Pos Ulu Slim.

As some of our projects took time to be implemented and as we wanted to keep track of those that we had already implemented, we made several visits to the Orang Asli settlement to maintain the relationship and monitor progress.
We often joined them in their celebrations and co hosted various events with them.
We noticed there was no proper venue for their various social events. We looked around and found an abandoned school hall. The structure was still robust all it needed was some upgrading. As it was the property of the Ministry of Education, we had to seek the permission of the State Education Department.With the relevant approvals, we went ahead and transformed the building.
Before After